
Автор Сообщение
0019716 ®

Стаж: 15 лет
Сообщений: 136

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02-Ноя-2015 00:48
дал человеку в скайп id и пароль от teamviewer, но человек сказал, что ничего не получил.
ну и забыл о нем, пока не стал рыться в процессах. а потом наткнулся на логи, но не разобрался, что в них. умеет кто в них читать и подсоединялся ли тот чел ко мне?
2015/11/02 00:35:54.382 4888 640 S0 RemoteSettingsMDRelationshipWatchDog: DEVICE ISN'T A MANAGED DEVICE
2015/11/02 00:35:54.382 4888 148 S0 RemoteSettingsStore: Cleanup all policies.
2015/11/02 00:35:54.382 4888 640 S0 RemoteSettingsStoreListener: Establish connection.
2015/11/02 00:35:54.382 4888 148 S0 RemoteSettingsStore::LoadLastReceivedPolicies : Storage Entry Remote_Settings_TVClientSetting_Policy empty
2015/11/02 00:35:54.382 4888 148 S0 RemoteSettingsStore::LoadLastReceivedPolicies : Storage Entry Remote_Settings_Antivirus_Policy empty
2015/11/02 00:35:54.382 4888 148 S0 RemoteSettingsMDRelationshipWatchDog: DEVICE ISN'T A MANAGED DEVICE
2015/11/02 00:35:54.382 4888 640 S0 Using IPC-Port 5939
2015/11/02 00:35:54.382 4888 640 S0 SHMR: Initializing shared memory.
2015/11/02 00:35:54.385 4888 640 S0 UpdateOnlineState newOnlineValue 0
2015/11/02 00:35:54.390 4888 640 S0 CTerminalServer::RepeatedlyCheckForUserLogin() Don't start GUI for session 1
2015/11/02 00:35:54.390 4888 640 S0 ApiServer::IsApiInstalled: The API is not registered with Windows.
2015/11/02 00:36:30.828 4888 260 S0 CAcceptServer::HandleAccept: new connection from
2015/11/02 00:36:30.844 4888 260 S0 CInterProcessNetwork::SetDyngateIDforSession() id=497054596 session=1 ptype=2
2015/11/02 00:36:30.844 4888 260 S0 UpdateOnlineState newOnlineValue 1
2015/11/02 00:36:30.844 4888 2848 S0 TeamViewer is going online!
2015/11/02 00:36:30.844 4888 2848 S0 CAntiMalwareController::IsManagedDeviceChanged(): Machine is not a managed device anymore
2015/11/02 00:36:30.463 4388 4980 G1 Logger started.
2015/11/02 00:36:30.750 4388 4980 G1 InterProcessBase::SecureNetwork created
2015/11/02 00:36:30.750 4388 4980 G1 Monitors: Generic PnP Monitor, \\.\DISPLAY1, 1680x1050 (0,0), flags=3, dpi=96
2015/11/02 00:36:30.828 4388 4980 G1 CMain::LoadResourceDLLs(): No custom resource dll found
2015/11/02 00:36:30.828 4388 4980 G1 InterProcessBase::StartTcpCommunicationInternal(): setting m_NetworkConnector to new TCP connector
2015/11/02 00:36:30.828 4388 4980 G1 Opening local TCP connection to
2015/11/02 00:36:30.828 4388 4980 G1 Local TCP connection established
2015/11/02 00:36:30.844 4388 4980 G1 SettingsIPCReception receive a SYNCHRONISE Settings command : UserSettings
2015/11/02 00:36:30.844 4388 4980 G1 Received Control_InitIPC_Response processtype=1
2015/11/02 00:36:30.844 4388 4980 G1 Received Control_InitIPC_Response runningProcesses=3
2015/11/02 00:36:30.844 4388 4980 G1 Control_InitIPC_Response: all processes 3 completely initialized
2015/11/02 00:36:30.844 4388 4980 G1 MachineHooks: Initialized Shm
2015/11/02 00:36:30.844 4388 4980 G1 MachineHooks: refcount = 1
2015/11/02 00:36:30.844 4388 4980 G1 MachineHooks: x64 Machine detected
2015/11/02 00:36:30.844 4388 4980 G1 MachineHooks: w32 Loader is starting
2015/11/02 00:36:30.844 4388 4980 G1 MachineHooks: x64 Loader is starting
2015/11/02 00:36:30.859 4888 260 S0 CToken::GetSystemToken() set session 1
2015/11/02 00:36:30.859 4888 260 S0 InterProcessNetwork: Loader process started, pid = 856
2015/11/02 00:36:30.859 856 5000 L32 Loader started with: "C:\Program Files (x86)\TeamViewer\tv_w32.exe" --action hooks --log C:\Program Files (x86)\TeamViewer\TeamViewer10_Logfile.log
2015/11/02 00:36:30.859 4888 260 S0 CToken::GetSystemToken() set session 1
2015/11/02 00:36:30.859 4888 260 S0 InterProcessNetwork: Loader process started, pid = 4496
2015/11/02 00:36:30.875 4496 2996 L64 Loader started with: "C:\Program Files (x86)\TeamViewer\tv_x64.exe" --action hooks --log C:\Program Files (x86)\TeamViewer\TeamViewer10_Logfile.log
2015/11/02 00:36:30.875 4388 4980 G1 TVUpdate::Init() Version-URL: Update-URL:
2015/11/02 00:36:30.890 4388 3504 G1 ProxySearch: no PAC script detected via WPAD
2015/11/02 00:36:30.890 4388 3504 G1 ProxySearch: no PAC script detected via WPAD
2015/11/02 00:36:30.983 4388 4980 G1 IncomingChatCommandRegistration::StartRegistration: registering for ready state properties
2015/11/02 00:36:31.021 4888 2116 S0 NetWatchdog: Internet is now connected
2015/11/02 00:36:31.021 4888 2432 S0 KeepAliveThread started
2015/11/02 00:36:31.050 4388 4980 G1 AccountLoginGUI::CreateLoginKey(): [OnlineState] System is set to Visible.
2015/11/02 00:36:31.058 4388 4980 G1 TVUpdate::CheckForUpdates(): Start update check...
2015/11/02 00:36:31.058 4388 4980 G1 TVUpdate::CheckForAutoUpdates() Update already running...
2015/11/02 00:36:31.059 4388 4980 G1 Tray created!
2015/11/02 00:36:31.059 4388 4980 G1 CMainWindow::ShouldShowDynamicPassword(): dynPw=1 allowIncoming=1 id=497054596 ka=0 lanAllowed=0 lanOnly=0 networkState=1 showDynPwd=0
2015/11/02 00:36:31.059 4388 2796 G1 IDLabelContent::UpdateImpl() IDs changed: SessionID "497054596", TSUserID "0", ServerID "0"
2015/11/02 00:36:31.091 4388 4980 G1 Account::TryAutoLogin: enabled: 0
2015/11/02 00:36:31.098 4888 2432 S0 CT1 CT.Send.CMD_PING From=497054596 To=0 L=4
2015/11/02 00:36:31.109 4388 2652 G1 LateBindingDirectSound: Initializing Direct Sound 8
2015/11/02 00:36:31.113 4388 3544 G1 AudioDriver: Thread Running
2015/11/02 00:36:31.113 4388 2652 G1 AudioDriver: Direct Sound Initialized
2015/11/02 00:36:31.135 4496 2996 L64 Starting Loader
2015/11/02 00:36:31.150 4388 4980 G1 ApiServer::IsApiInstalled: The API is not registered with Windows.
2015/11/02 00:36:31.150 4888 1216 S0 BonjourDiscoveryWin::DNSServiceHandleEvents: Reloading interfaces.
2015/11/02 00:36:31.150 4888 260 S0 TVRouterClock Schedule next request in 0 seconds
2015/11/02 00:36:31.153 4388 4980 G1 TVUpdate::StartVersionFileDownload(): Start download of version file...
2015/11/02 00:36:31.153 4388 3516 G1 ChangeThreadDesktop(): SetThreadDesktop to default successful
2015/11/02 00:36:31.170 4888 2432 S0 CT1 CT.Receive.CMD_PINGOK From=0 To=497054596 L=4
2015/11/02 00:36:31.213 856 5000 L32 Starting Loader
2015/11/02 00:36:30.844 4388 4980 H32 Loader: SharedMem Connected (seg = 0x61e0000, refcnt = 1)
2015/11/02 00:36:30.844 4388 4980 H32 teamviewer.exe: SharedMem Connected (seg = 0x61e0000, refcnt = 2)
2015/11/02 00:36:31.243 4888 2432 S0 NetWatchdog: Ping successful!
2015/11/02 00:36:31.245 4888 2432 S0 Non-Commercial use
2015/11/02 00:36:31.246 4888 2432 S0 Resource-Language:en
2015/11/02 00:36:31.315 4888 2432 S0 CT2 CT.Send.CMD_MASTERCOMMAND From=497054596 To=0 L=804
2015/11/02 00:36:31.397 4888 2432 S0 CT2 CT.Receive.CMD_MASTERRESPONSE From=0 To=497054596 L=264
2015/11/02 00:36:31.397 4888 2432 S0 CT2 CT.Disconnect
2015/11/02 00:36:31.398 4888 2432 S0 MC.L addonchannels=0&ckaportsenabled=0&client=TV&f=Login&gw=1&gwlevel=431&hideonlinestatus=0&httpout=1&ic=976891911&id=497054596&iguid={7e9eed8a-e6e6-401f-865c-8452e00cc40b}&keepalive=1&language=en&lastkeepaliveperformance=|u13215c405bcb11d987ee5404a6b4e8c35404a6b4e8c39dbdea637c6b920cc99221e547cfbd26|v13215c405bcb11d987ee5404a6b4e8c35404a6b4e8c39dbdea637c6b920cc99221e547cfbd26<~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0dd0c5b4e712d7cef7750d93b4e6b006&midv=1&noofactivekeepalive=0&os=Win_10.0.10240_W&port443out=0&rhash={4139aa08-ea76-84e7-36fa-fb8f588104f7}&runtime=0&smidv=2&sro=0&supportedfeatures=938474461&tcpout=1&v=10.0.47484 - 0#OK_10000_-_2__37.252.248.75:5938_34515_1_-1_0.0.0.0__178.77.120.7_178.77.120.6_0_497054596_1_0_0_0_64749433__178.255.154.51,,,,,,,,,,
2015/11/02 00:36:31.399 4888 2432 S0 CT3 CT.TM_WaitAtGateway. - CT3 - S3
2015/11/02 00:36:31.399 4888 2432 S0 CT3 CT.Connect to TeamViewer Router
2015/11/02 00:36:31.466 4888 2432 S0 CT3 CT.Connected
2015/11/02 00:36:31.466 4888 2580 S0 CT3 CT.Run
2015/11/02 00:36:31.467 4888 2580 S0 CT3 CT.Send.CMD_IDENTIFY From=497054596 To=0 L=32
2015/11/02 00:36:31.467 4888 2580 S0 CT3 CT.Send.CMD_REQUESTKEEPALIVE2 From=497054596 To=0 L=24
2015/11/02 00:36:31.535 4888 2580 S0 CT3 Activating support for ccmdV2
2015/11/02 00:36:31.535 4888 2580 S0 CT3 CT.Receive.CMD_SESSIONID From=0 To=497054596 L=8
2015/11/02 00:36:31.597 4388 3516 G1!! HttpQueryInfo(63) size failed with error 12150, Errorcode=12150
2015/11/02 00:36:31.613 4388 4980 G1 TVUpdate::OnDownloadFinishedVersionFileCheckOnly(): Version file successfully downloaded.
2015/11/02 00:36:31.910 4888 2580 S0 CT3 CT.Receive.CMD_IDENTIFY From=0 To=497054596 L=32
2015/11/02 00:36:31.910 4888 2580 S0 CT3 CConnectionThread::CmdPingRouter(): Router Pong Received with following Hops: 497054596 707604917
2015/11/02 00:36:31.910 4888 2580 S0 TVRouterClock Schedule next request in 0 seconds
2015/11/02 00:36:31.910 4888 2580 S0 CKeepAliveThreadServer::SyncClients(): Clients:
2015/11/02 00:36:31.910 4888 2580 S0 CSendCommandToMaster::SendBCommandToMaster: CC=3 CT=74
2015/11/02 00:36:31.910 4888 2580 S0 TVRouterClock Schedule next request in 0 seconds
2015/11/02 00:36:31.910 4888 2580 S0 CT3 CT.Send.CMD_ROUTERCMD From=497054596 To=707604917 L=32
2015/11/02 00:36:31.910 4388 4980 G1 Account::UpdateState: KA = 1, active = 1
2015/11/02 00:36:31.910 4388 4980 G1 Account::SetLoginState: new state: 2
2015/11/02 00:36:31.910 4388 2796 G1 InterProcessBase::SecureNetworkCallbackHandle created (RegistrationID: 7e9f0710-4b99-4978-a9d2-77827c7afa79)
2015/11/02 00:36:31.910 4888 260 S0 SecureNetworkIPCAdapter::RegisterSharedBCmdCallback(): CC: 30, RegistrationID: 7e9f0710-4b99-4978-a9d2-77827c7afa79, DyngateID: 497054596, ProcessType: 2, SessionID: 1
2015/11/02 00:36:31.910 4888 260 S0 CSendCommandToMaster::SendBCommandToMaster: CC=3 CT=38
2015/11/02 00:36:31.910 4388 2796 G1 InterProcessBase::SecureNetworkCallbackHandle created (RegistrationID: 7bdaf372-1ef0-4b7a-9bdf-3c9b333edec1)
2015/11/02 00:36:31.910 4388 2796 G1 IncomingChatCommandRegistration::RegisterIncomingCommands: Registered successfully for incoming commands (after 0 retries)
2015/11/02 00:36:31.910 4888 260 S0 SecureNetworkIPCAdapter::RegisterSharedBCmdCallback(): CC: 25, RegistrationID: 7bdaf372-1ef0-4b7a-9bdf-3c9b333edec1, DyngateID: 497054596, ProcessType: 2, SessionID: 1
2015/11/02 00:36:31.910 4388 2020 G1 ChatRoomManager::ChatRoomManager: created
2015/11/02 00:36:31.910 4888 260 S0 CSendCommandToMaster::SendBCommandToMaster: CC=3 CT=38
2015/11/02 00:36:31.910 4888 260 S0 CSendCommandToMaster::SendBCommandToMaster: CC=3 CT=38
2015/11/02 00:36:31.910 4888 260 S0 CSendCommandToMaster::SendBCommandToMaster: CC=3 CT=38
2015/11/02 00:36:31.910 4888 260 S0 CSendCommandToMaster::SendBCommandToMaster: CC=3 CT=38
2015/11/02 00:36:31.910 4888 260 S0 CSendCommandToMaster::SendBCommandToMaster: CC=3 CT=38
2015/11/02 00:36:31.910 4888 260 S0 CSendCommandToMaster::SendBCommandToMaster: CC=3 CT=38
2015/11/02 00:36:31.910 4388 2020 G1 IncomingBetterChatCommandHandler::IncomingBetterChatCommandHandler: created
2015/11/02 00:36:31.910 4388 2020 G1 IncomingChatCommandRegistration::SetIncomingCommandCb: set incomingCommandCb
2015/11/02 00:36:31.910 4388 2796 G1 InterProcessBase::SecureNetworkCallbackHandle created (RegistrationID: c093948e-d6b3-4145-b960-9797dfd7cec3)
2015/11/02 00:36:31.910 4888 260 S0 SecureNetworkIPCAdapter::RegisterSharedBCmdCallback(): CC: 34, RegistrationID: c093948e-d6b3-4145-b960-9797dfd7cec3, DyngateID: 497054596, ProcessType: 2, SessionID: 1
2015/11/02 00:36:31.910 4888 260 S0 CSendCommandToMaster::SendBCommandToMaster: CC=3 CT=38
2015/11/02 00:36:31.925 4388 4980 G1 CMainWindow::ShouldShowDynamicPassword(): dynPw=1 allowIncoming=1 id=497054596 ka=1 lanAllowed=0 lanOnly=0 networkState=1 showDynPwd=1
2015/11/02 00:36:31.972 4888 2580 S0 CT3 CT.Receive.CMD_ROUTERCMD From=707604917 To=497054596 L=123
2015/11/02 00:36:31.972 4888 2580 S0 TVRouterClock: received router time: 20151101T193616.873594
2015/11/02 00:36:31.972 4888 2580 S0 TVRouterClock Schedule next request in 43200 seconds
2015/11/02 00:36:31.972 4888 2580 S0 CT3 CT.Send.CMD_ROUTERCMD From=497054596 To=707604917 L=655
2015/11/02 00:36:31.972 4888 2580 S0 CConnectionThread::ProcessBuddyCommandClient: CC=3 CT=38
2015/11/02 00:36:31.988 4888 2580 S0 CConnectionThread::ProcessBuddyCommandClient: CC=3 CT=38
2015/11/02 00:36:31.988 4888 2580 S0 CConnectionThread::ProcessBuddyCommandClient: CC=3 CT=38
2015/11/02 00:36:31.988 4888 2580 S0 CConnectionThread::ProcessBuddyCommandClient: CC=3 CT=38
2015/11/02 00:36:31.988 4888 2580 S0 CConnectionThread::ProcessBuddyCommandClient: CC=3 CT=38
2015/11/02 00:36:31.988 4888 2580 S0 CConnectionThread::ProcessBuddyCommandClient: CC=3 CT=38
2015/11/02 00:36:32.050 4888 2580 S0 CConnectionThread::ProcessBuddyCommandClient: CC=3 CT=38
2015/11/02 00:36:32.050 4888 2580 S0 CConnectionThread::ProcessBuddyCommandClient: CC=3 CT=38
2015/11/02 00:36:32.066 4888 2580 S0 CT3 CT.Receive.CMD_ROUTERCMD From=707604917 To=497054596 L=1039
2015/11/02 00:36:32.066 4888 2580 S0 CT3 CT.Send.CMD_ROUTERCMD From=497054596 To=707604917 L=1373
2015/11/02 00:36:32.144 4888 2580 S0 CT3 CT.Receive.CMD_ROUTERCMD From=707604917 To=497054596 L=1788
2015/11/02 00:36:32.160 4888 2580 S0 CT3 CT.Send.CMD_ROUTERCMD From=497054596 To=707604917 L=776
2015/11/02 00:36:32.222 4888 2580 S0 CT3 CT.Receive.CMD_ROUTERCMD From=707604917 To=497054596 L=778
2015/11/02 00:36:32.238 4888 2580 S0 CT3 CT.Send.CMD_ROUTERCMD From=497054596 To=707604917 L=153
2015/11/02 00:36:32.238 4888 2580 S0 CT3 CT.Send.CMD_ROUTERCMD From=497054596 To=707604917 L=153
2015/11/02 00:36:32.300 4888 2580 S0 CT3 CT.Receive.CMD_ROUTERCMD From=707604917 To=497054596 L=171
2015/11/02 00:36:32.300 4888 2580 S0 AsyncMessaging::UnregisterAtAsyncMessageProvider(): Unregister successful
2015/11/02 00:36:32.300 4888 2580 S0 CT3 CT.Receive.CMD_ROUTERCMD From=707604917 To=497054596 L=171
2015/11/02 00:36:43.020 4888 2092 S0 EnumComputers.0
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